Thanks for the request. You can receive all your fitness needs using the dotFIT program through one of 3 options below. You may jump straight to option 3 if you want to talk with someone on the phone.
3 options:
1. You can visit one of our licensed health clubs using the club finder The expert fitness professionals in our licensed health clubs can give you direct service for all your fitness goals including nutrition needs (non-clinical).
2. Alternately, if a club visit or training session with one of our trainers is not a viable option, you can receive all your diet, supplement and health, fat loss or muscle gain needs online from the dotFIT program. Go to the dotFIT home page and log in (using the icon in far upper right corner) and you will come to this page: (You may just click this link for now). From there simply follow instructions creating your program and setting your goal. The dotFIT program will give you the meal plan outline you may easily customize as desired, with the proper calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats to get started, track intake and monitor results. It will also give you your supplement recommendations and exactly how to use them. Every week when you enter your weight and/or bodyfat, the program will tell you what to do until you reach your goal including recreating menus as necessary. Once you create the program and get menus, you can go to our recipe section on the dotFIT website to get recipes with meal preparation instructions including meal replacement recipes: There is also a complete exercise program you can use to create the proper program to accomplish your goal – and again, just answer the simple questions and your exercise program will be created. However, if possible, we recommend one of our trainers to help you get started. On the dotFIT website you’ll also see a category called “Learn” where you will find many frequently asked questions and answers:
3. Email at or call us at 877-436-8348 and we will put you together with one of our phone coaches.